3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same
as the first. Use one word only, beginning with a prefix
from exercise lor 2.
1 You cooked this meat for too long
You overcooked this meat
2 Our team did not perform well enough last season
Our team
last season
3 I met a former school friend in a cafe in town.
I met an
in a cafe in town
4 She\'s an expert in history after World War IL
She\'s an expert in
5 I\'m sorry, I typed your name incorrectly.
I\'m sorry,
your name
6 They bought the house, but sold it again a year later.
They bought the house, but
a year later.
7 Ben Stiller wrote Zoolander with two other writers.
Ben Stiller and two other writers

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1/5 (4 оценки)
VivianAnn 3 года назад
Светило науки - 1 ответ - 0 раз оказано помощи

2. underperformed

3. ex-girlfriend

4. post-war

5. mistyped

6. resold

7. co-wrote