Помогите по братски английский
0/5 (0 оценок)
aminattaylanova 3 года назад
Светило науки - 279 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи



1 Do they like oranges?

2 Do you get up early?

3 Does your mom like coffee?

4 Does school start at 8 o'clock?

5 Do we go to the cinema?

6 Does Susy tidy her room every Monday?

7 Do Tim and Tom eat apples?

8 Do you speak French?


1 No, i don't

2 Yes, he does

3 No, i don't

4 Yes, they do

5 No, they don't

6 Yes, i do

7 No, i don't

8 Yes, he does

0/5 (0 оценок)
Youtawr 3 года назад
Светило науки - 8 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


Do they like organs?

Do you get up early?

Does your mom like coffee?

Does school start at 8 oclock?

Does Susie tidy her room every Monday?

Does Tim and Tom eat apples?

Do you speak French?

Do you live in Madrid?

No, i dont live in Madrid (или прост напиши Dont)

Does Petra live with her parents?

Yes, she does

Does your father go to work on Sundays?

No, he doesnt

Do they come from the USA?

Yes, they do

Doesnt Paul and Mark play football?

No, they dont

Does your mom work in bank?

Yes, she does

Do you clean your windows?

No, i dont

Does Tom listen to music

Yes, he does


Крч там если I we they you то всегда будет Do

Если he she it то Does

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