creature, extinct, species, endanger, damage, wildlife, habitat, destroy, cure, development, size, weight, cardboard, include, rainforest, mammal, insect

Упражнение 2. Подберите слово из упражнения 1 к определению ниже.(выше)
1. A kind of animal no longer existing
2. To cause danger to a living being
3. A group of plants and animals of the same kind
4. A place where an animal or a plant is found
5. An animal or being of some kind
6. To damage so much that it’s completely ruined
7. To put in smth else
8. To make a disease go away by medical treatment

Вставьте подходящее слово
Many..... of animals can become extinct in the near future.
Nowadays many scientists say that some chemicals can ..... human life.
Nelly\'s pig was a funny ..... with short legs, small ears, and not much hair on its skin.
Lakes and ponds are natural ........ for frogs.
Don\'t worry.I will .....your little rabbit.
Fires often...forests.

Употребите правильную форму глагола.
1.Now human beings _____________(to kill) our planet.
2.People usually_______________(not to care) about the environment.
3.The builders have ___________________(to cut down) a lot of trees in the forest.
4.As a result many animals were to ______________(to die out).
5.When did the destruction of this countryside _____________(to start)?
6._____he ____________(to plant) a tree at that time yesterday?
7._____he _____________(to plant) down the tree by 6 o’clock yesterday?
8.According to the forecast a disaster _________(to happen) soon.
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naggegegts 3 года назад
Светило науки - 10 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. extinct


3. species

4. habitat

5. wildlife

6. destroy

7. include

8. cure


Many species of animals..

... can damage...

... funny creature....

.... habitats...

... I will cure....

.... often damage/destroy ( здесь я не уверен, ведь damage это повреждать, а destroy полностью уничтожать, на ваш выбор)


1.... are killing..

2... don't care..

3....cut down....

4... were going to die (в вопросе после were стоит to, и я немного поменял)


6....has he planted....

7...did he plant....

8..... is going to happen soon