Practical English How do you spell it? 1 THE ALPHABET Checker Listen and circle the letter with a different sound, 3 CHECKING INTO A HOTEL Complete the dialogue with the words from the list. IA evening name spell surname reservation room 1 2 3 4 e DEV (EL NX AGIK B HPD B 5 7 6 e ur Her CF L S FT MS O QUW AH JY b Listen and repeat the letters. 2 VOCABULARY the classroom Write the words. A Good evening B Hello. I have a A What\'s your ..please? B Wendy Mahoney. A How do you your B M-A-H-O-N-E-Y. A Thank you, Ms Mahoney. You\'re in B Thanks. 5 ? 261. 4 t 3 P 21 1 board Oxford WENTIAL KT b 8 d -у 5 d 7 w. - 6 ch_ b Complete the classroom expressions, 4 BOOKING A TABLE Match the questions and the answers. 1 Good morning. How can I help you? 2 What time? 3 OK, that\'s fine. What\'s your name, please? 4 OK. How many people? 5 Thank you, Mr Anderson. So, a table for three on Tuesday at seven? a Three. b-Atable-for-Tuesday evening, please. c Yes, that\'s great. Thanks. d Steve Anderson, e Seven o\'clock understand go look open repeat spell I Can you _repeat that, please? 2 at the board, please. 3 4 Sorry. I don\'t it? 6 to page 9. your books. 5 How do you​
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nesudiposebe 3 года назад
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