Complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Not many people came to the party. (Only)
There................................people at the party.
2. The witness described the mugger to the police. (a)
The witness.............................of the mugger.
3. There isn\'t much sugar left. (a)
There.........................sugar left.
4. I am thinking of becoming a firefighter when I leave school. (brigade)
I am thinking of..........................when I leave school.
5. We were shocked by the news and I didn\'t know what to do. (shocking)
The news...............................didn\'t know what to do.
6. There aren\'t many good films out at the moment. (only)
There....................................good films out at the moment.
7. I didn\'t eat much dessert because I\'m on a diet. (only)
I...................................dessert because I\'m on a diet.
8. You have lots of hats! (lot) have!
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Dias786 3 года назад
Светило науки - 30 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1.were only a few

2.gave the police a description only a little

4.join to a fire brigade

5.were so shocking that we

6.are only a few

7.only ate few

8.a lot of hats do
