Read the text below and do the tasks after it.
Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans
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(1) Hurricane Katrina has been called one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States. (2) When the storm struck in 2005, no place was harder hit than New Orleans, Louisiana. (3) The wind tore off roofs and wooden siding like it was peeling an orange. (4) Then, the worst disaster of all happened.
(5) New Orleans is about five feet below sea level. (6) A series of levees protect the city from flood waters that might come in from lakes and the ocean. (7) But on August 29 and 30 the levees broke, and water flowed into the city. (8) Soon 80 percent of the city was covered in filthy water. (9) The water tossed cars around like toys, and homes floated from one place to another.
(10) After the storm, there was no drinking water or electricity. (11) There was little food and no way to get around except by boat. (12) The storm snuffed out the life of the city like it was blowing out a candle.
(13) Many people left New Orleans before the storm, but others did not. (14) Some older people wanted to stay and brave the storm while they had with Hurricane Betsy forty years earlier. (15) Others were too poor to pay for transportation out of harm’s way. (16) Many people watched the storm on television.
(17) People crowded together in the Superdome sports stadium and the New Orleans convention center for safety. (18) Others sought high places like highway overpasses and bridges. (19) When the storm ended, everyone had to be bused or flown out of the city until it was safe to return. (20) Many people from New Orleans moved to other parts of the United States until their city could be put back together.
Task 1
Use context clues to guess the meaning of the following words from the text and connect them to their meanings. There are two extra meanings you do not need to use.
Выберите нужную позицию в левом поле, кликнув по ней, затем кликните в правом поле по выбранной Вами позиции (протянется линия). Если хотите изменить ответ, нажмите на точку в любом из полей (линия исчезнет).
Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!
a wall built to stop the river from overflowing
having a lot of things to do
extremely or unpleasantly dirty
showing no fear of something scary
material that covers the outer walls of a building
taken somewhere by bus
to deal with dangerous or difficult things
put out a flame by covering it with something
Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans
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(1) Hurricane Katrina has been called one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States. (2) When the storm struck in 2005, no place was harder hit than New Orleans, Louisiana. (3) The wind tore off roofs and wooden siding like it was peeling an orange. (4) Then, the worst disaster of all happened.
(5) New Orleans is about five feet below sea level. (6) A series of levees protect the city from flood waters that might come in from lakes and the ocean. (7) But on August 29 and 30 the levees broke, and water flowed into the city. (8) Soon 80 percent of the city was covered in filthy water. (9) The water tossed cars around like toys, and homes floated from one place to another.
(10) After the storm, there was no drinking water or electricity. (11) There was little food and no way to get around except by boat. (12) The storm snuffed out the life of the city like it was blowing out a candle.
(13) Many people left New Orleans before the storm, but others did not. (14) Some older people wanted to stay and brave the storm while they had with Hurricane Betsy forty years earlier. (15) Others were too poor to pay for transportation out of harm’s way. (16) Many people watched the storm on television.
(17) People crowded together in the Superdome sports stadium and the New Orleans convention center for safety. (18) Others sought high places like highway overpasses and bridges. (19) When the storm ended, everyone had to be bused or flown out of the city until it was safe to return. (20) Many people from New Orleans moved to other parts of the United States until their city could be put back together.
Task 1
Use context clues to guess the meaning of the following words from the text and connect them to their meanings. There are two extra meanings you do not need to use.
Выберите нужную позицию в левом поле, кликнув по ней, затем кликните в правом поле по выбранной Вами позиции (протянется линия). Если хотите изменить ответ, нажмите на точку в любом из полей (линия исчезнет).
Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!
a wall built to stop the river from overflowing
having a lot of things to do
extremely or unpleasantly dirty
showing no fear of something scary
material that covers the outer walls of a building
taken somewhere by bus
to deal with dangerous or difficult things
put out a flame by covering it with something
(1 оценка)
(2 оценки)

3 года назад
Светило науки - 26 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. Siding - material that covers the outer walls of a building
2. Levee - a wall built to stop the river from overflowing
3. Filthy - extremely or unpleasantly dirty
4. Snuffed - put out a flame by covering it with something
5. Brave - to deal with dangerous or difficult things
6. Bused - taken somewhere by bus
1material that covers the outer walls of a building
2a wall built to stop the river from overflowing
3taken somewhere by bus
4showing no fear of something scary
5extremely or unpleasantly dirty
6put out a flame by covering it with something