Написать 8предложений про my best friend(мой друг)​
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Clouds01 2 года назад
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I have lots if friend. But, only one my best friend. His name __имя друга__. We like spend time together. It so cool. We went to park, ate ice cream, and watched cinema! He funny, when I smiled too. Hw bester friend then another.


0/5 (0 оценок)
xanmazenok 2 года назад
Светило науки - 11 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


My best friend name is....(напиши имя своего лд)

My best friend very good,i love walk with him

My best friend loves his dog very much, I often see him walking her

He has very beautiful parents and a sister.I want to be friends with his sister

Нe likes to draw and read books, and goes to sports clubs

We often play football together, he is an amazing player

He is very open and friendly, just like his dad

He has beautiful hair