Grammar in Focus Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. 1 Macy uses Skype with her friend (communicate) lives in Australia. 2 The leafy sea dragon is a type of seahorse that (look) more like seaweed an actual seahorse. 3 John was frustrated because he .... (try) to fix his computer for two hours before he realised that there was nothing else he do to make it work. 4 a cold day! I wish I (wear) a warmer jacket. 5 Adam works a forensics photographer and his photos S (use) to help police investigations. 6 Mary can\'t wait .. .. (play) tennis with one of the ... (famous) players in the country. 7 My advice is that if you . . your marks to improve, you should (want) more attention in class. 8 1.. . (finish) my homework by the time you get home, so we can .... shopping then. (go) 9 Jacob told Sam printer because it had run (not/use) the of ink. 10 Lucy\'s skirt now that she has had it (fit) her much better (take) in.

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MaryFairy211 2 года назад
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1. Macy uses Skype to communicate with her friend who lives in Australia.

2. The leafy sea dragon is a type of seahorse that looks more like seaweed than an actual seahorse.

3. John was frustrated because he had been trying to fix his computer for two hours before he realised that there was nothing else he could do to make it work.

4. What a cold day! I wish I wore a warmer jacket.

5. Adam works as a forensics photographer and his photos are used to help investigations.

6. Mary can't wait to play tennis with one of the most famous players in the country.

7. My advice is that it you want your marks to improve, you should pay more attention in class.

8. I will have finished my homework by the time you get home, so we can go shopping then.

9. Jackob told Sam not to use the printer because it had run out of ink.

10. Lucy's skirt fits her much better now that she has had it taken in.