Заполните пропуски. Используйте muѕtn\'t или don\'t nееd tо + глаголы
из рамки:
forget; go; lose; phone; rush; wait.

1 I don\'t need to go home yet. I can say a little longer.
2 We have a lot of time. We ......
3 Keep these papers in a safe place. You ......them
4 I\'m not ready yet, but you .......for me. You can go now and I\'ll come later.
5 We... to turn off the lights before we leave.
6 I must contact David, but I... him - I can send him an email. ​
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lalana1330 2 года назад
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2. don't need to rush

3. mustn't forget

4. don't need to wait

5. need

6. lost