a. Open the brackets in positive sentences (10 sentences)
1. I (go) to school now.
2. My friend (listen) to music at the moment.
3. Our teacher and we (watch) an interesting film now.
4. They (clean) their teeth now.
5. Look! Tom and Tim (play) football and Kate and Mary (play) badminton in the park.
6. My parents (swim) in the poll now.

b. Insert auxiliary verb in general questions (10 sentences)

1. ________you going to school now.?
2. ______my friend listening to music at the moment?
3. ______our teacher and we watching an interesting film this lesson?
4. _____they cleaning their teeth today?
5. ______Tom and Tim playing football all day in the park?
6. ______my parents reading comics now?
7. ________my sister scratching her nose when she reads a newspaper?
8. _______you nodding your head at the moment?
9. ______your mother making a sandwich?
10. ______she writing a letter now?

c. Match the questions to the answers (10 sentences)
1. Are you going to the library now? a)No, he isn’t.
2. Is your mother writing a story these days? b)No, she isn’t.
3. Are your friends riding a car? c) Yes, the boys are.
4. Is your father flying a kite at the moment? d) No, she isn’t.
5. Are we having fun today? e)No, it isn’t.
6. Is your cat swimming in the river? f) Yes, he is.
7. Are the boys climbing a tree? g) No, she isn’t
8. Is your sister tiding your room? h) Yes, they are.
9. Is your teacher speaking English? i) No, we aren’t.
10. Is your aunt drinking coffee today ? j) Yes, I am

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