Fill in: power, acid,, natural, break, lose, move, practise, sit
1. stations
2. … habitat
3. … rain
4. … your leg
5. …sth valuable
6. … house
7. …an instrument
8. ….exams
2. Choose the odd word out.
1. ankle-wrist-result-finger
2. sore throat -earache - symptoms -fever
3. chip - break - bang - react
4. syrup - breathing - capsules - tablets 5. exhausted -worn out - tired - worried 3. Choose the cwrect word.
1. Is there any/few sugar in the cupboard?
2. There aren\'t any/some apples left.
3. I\'ll have a little/few ice cream with my pie.
4. We haven\'t got many/much bananas left.
5. There are a lot of / little eggs in the fridge.
4. Put the words in the correct order.
1. a. German, student, young, kind
2. an, woman, imaginative, elderly, Russian
3. a, plump, short, teenager, British
4. a. basketball player, tall, American, skinny
4. Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. We always do the gardening …
2. They painted the room by
3. He usually goes for a walk by …
4. I used to go jogging by
5. Why don\'t you do it
6. I cut … with a knife.
7. Children. be eseful! Don\'t burn …
8. She fell off the chair and didn\'t hurt …
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izvestb 2 года назад
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natural, acid, break, lose, move, power, sit. result, symptoms, react, breathing, worn out. any, any, a little, a lot of, a young and kind German student, an elderly and imaginative Russian woman, a plump and short British teenager, a tall and skinny American basketball player. ourselves, themselves, himself, myself, yourself, myself, yourself, herself