Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the future continuous, future perfect, or the first conditional.

Paulo: _______________________ (you / go) to the concert with me tomorrow if I _______________________(buy) the tickets?
Samantha: Thanks for asking me, but the weather forecast for tomorrow is terrible. I _______________________(not be) surprised if they _______________________ (cancel) the concert.

Ellen: You __________________ (move) to Manchester by the end of September. Josh: Yes, and I’m going to miss you a lot. But I’m sure we _________ (chat) on the internet all the time!
Mandy: _________________ (scientists / cure) cancer by 2050?
Rick: Maybe. Fifty years from now, perhaps everyone ______________(live) a lot longer than we do now.
0.7/5 (3 оценки)
eleonorka99 1 год назад
Светило науки - 52 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


1 will you go

2 buy

3 won't be

4 cancel

5 will have moved

6 will chat

7 will scientists have ccured

8 will live


By - Future Perfect

Perhaps, sure - Future Simple

1st Conditional - if Present Simple, Future Simple