Помогите пожалуйста
15 Choose the correct item.

1. What time.......................you leave for school?

A does

B are

C do

..........got many interesting

2 The library books.

A have

B has

C does

to the circus last Sunday.

A went

B go

C gone

4 A: Do you eat cereal for breakfast? B: No, I ........................ eat cereal for breakfast.

A sometimes

B often

C never

5 Did Sue...........

..... to wear contact lenses? A used

B use

C uses

6 \"He always drinks a cup of hot chocolate before going to bed.\"

A did


B does

C do
7 Excuse me. I\'m A look

for Maine Street.

C looking

B looked

8 What colour hair

A is

.....she got? C does

B has

9 This dress is.

A worse

....than the other. B bad

C worst

10 They will probably

...... at noon.

A arrived

B arriving

C arrive

be cold outside. They\'re wearing

11 It

their jackets.

A can\'t

B can

C must

12 I think the Taj Mahal is one of the..... impressive monuments in the world.

A more

B most

C much

13 Archie\'s has the A best

apple pie in town. C good

B better

14 Where does Jenny.........

A comes

B come


C coming

15 Ken....

A has

got very broad shoulders. B does

C is


the Rialto use to be a cinema? C Did

B Does

A Do

17 Ray.... A exercise

in the gym every day.

B exercises C exercising

18 Helen is. A tidying

her room at the moment. B tidies

C tidied

....going scuba diving in her

19 Heather

free time. A loving

B love

C loves

20 Jeff 18 years old. A didn\'t

..use to have a car when he was

B did

C does

travelling to the south

21 Next year we of France.

A do

B are

C is

22 Tom\'s cat died. He..... A can

B can\'t

be very sad.

C must​
2.5/5 (2 оценки)
yulllli 1 год назад
Светило науки - 19 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1 do
2 have
3 went
4 never
5 use
6 does
7 looking
8 has
9 worse
10 arrive
11 must
12 most
13 the best
14 come
15 has
16 did
17 exercises
18 tidying
19 loves
20 did
21 are
22 must