1. Tower Bridge is more than … years old. a)one hundred b)two hundred c)three hundred 2. From Tower Bridge you can see … . a)St. Paul’s Cathedral b)the London Zoo c)the Tower of London 3.Big Ben is a famous English … . a)church b)museum c)clock tower 4. The Queen lives in … . a)the Tower of London b)Buckingham Palace c)Westminster Abbey 5. The Tower of London is a … now. a)museum b)gallery c)church 6. Westminster Abbey is a famous … . a)museum b)royal church c)circus 7. There are … streets in London. a)six b)one million c)ten thousand 8. In Regent’s park there is the biggest … in the world. a)metro b)clock c)zoo 9. … is a meeting place of six streets. a)Piccadilly circus b)Trafalgar Square c)Hyde Park 10. They change the Guard at … . a)the National Gallery b)Buckingham Palace c)Big Ben 11. … with its Nelson’s Column is in the centre of the city. a)Buckingham Palace b)Westminster Abbey c)Trafalgar Square 12. About … million people live in London. a)eight b)three c)four​
1/5 (4 оценки)
Krevetka14 1 год назад
Светило науки - 57 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи

1. a)

2. c)

3. c)

4. b)

5. a)

6. b)

7. b)

8. c)

9. a)

10. b)

11. c)

12. a)