40 б!!! Complete the text with the words from the box
| accommodation, arrange, beach,foot,campsite,coach,flight,make,rode,sailed seats,visited,walking|

Holiday memories

Last year, my friends and I went to Portugal. We travelled by plane. When we arrived, we got a….. from to the….where we stayed. It was very big and right next to the sea. The town was a nice size and we went to the beach and the shops on …

It wasn\'t expensive, so we had some money to spend. We …around on motorbikes and visited the….

We had a great time but, really, it was a….. holiday - lying in the sun and swimming in the sea. The only problem was that there was only one restaurant in the area and we couldn\'t…. a reservation. Some days we waited an hour for a free table but the food was delicious.

On the last day, we… a local market and bought some clothes and souvenirs. We were worried the next day because we forgot to book…. for the journey back to the airport but it was OK.
There were three free places at the back.

All in all, it was a wonderful time.

We\'re going again this year. Sally booked the…. last week.

London to Faro, July 10th!
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nellytheelephant 1 год назад
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Holiday memories

Last year, my friends and I went to Portugal. We travelled by plane. When we arrived, we got a coach from the airport to the campsite where we stayed. It was very big and right next to the sea. The town was a nice size and we went to the beach and the shops on foot.

It wasn't expensive, so we had some money to spend. We rode around on motorbikes and visited the sights. We had a great time but, really, it was a beach holiday – lying in the sun and swimming in the sea. The only problem was that there was only one restaurant in the area and we couldn't make a reservation. Some days we waited an hour for a free table but the food was delicious.  

On the last day, we visited a local market and bought some clothes and souvenirs. We were worried the next day because we forgot to book seats for the journey back to the airport but it was OK. There were three free places at the back.

All in all, it was a wonderful time. We're going again this year. Sally booked the flight last week.

London to Faro, July 10th!


В прошлом году мы с друзьями ездили в Португалию. Мы путешествовали на самолете. Когда мы прибыли, мы доехали на автобусе из аэропорта до кемпинга, где мы остановились. Он был очень большим и прямо у моря. Город был хорошего размера, и мы ходили на пляж и в магазины пешком.

Это было не дорого, так что у нас было немного денег, чтобы потратить. Мы ездили на мотоциклах и посещали достопримечательности. Мы отлично проводили время, но на самом деле это был пляжный отдых – лежать на солнышке и купаться в море. Единственная проблема заключалась в том, что в этом районе был только один ресторан, и мы не могли забронировать столик. В некоторые дни мы ждали свободный столик час, но еда была вкусной.

В последний день мы посетили местный рынок и купили немного одежды и сувениров. На следующий день мы волновались, потому что забыли забронировать места для обратного пути в аэропорт, но все было в порядке. Сзади было три свободных места.

В общем, это было прекрасное время. В этом году снова собираемся. На прошлой неделе Салли забронировала рейс.

Лондон — Фару, 10 июля!