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Fifty years after that, humans walked on the moon.

Fifty years after that, the moon was walked on by humans.

Через пятьдесят лет после этого по луне ходили люди.

Scientists have recently invented graphene, a new material that will revolutionize the technology industry.

Recently, graphene, a new material, has been invented.

Недавно был изобретен графен, новый материал.

With graphene batteries, phones can be charged in a few seconds and large amounts of information can be downloaded quickly.

Graphene batteries allow phones to be charged in a few seconds and large amounts of information to be downloaded quickly.

Графеновые батареи позволяют телефонам заряжаться за несколько секунд и большим объемам информации быстро загружаться.

Living materials can be grown instead of manufactured.

Scientists say that living materials can be grown instead of being manufactured.

Ученые говорят, что живые материалы могут быть выращены вместо производства.

In the future, it's possible that we won't need smartphones because the internet will be integrated into our brains.

In the future, it's possible that smartphones won't be needed because the internet will be integrated into our brains.

В будущем возможно, что смартфоны не понадобятся, потому что интернет будет интегрирован в наш мозг.

In the future, hotels and energy sources may be based in space.

In the future, companies may base hotels and energy sources in space.

В будущем компании могут размещать отели и источники энергии в космосе.

The development of a space solar power station.

The development of a space solar power station is being planned.

Разработка космической солнечной электростанции планируется.