8. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) Does money come from where?B) Does from where money come?C) Money does where come from?D) Where does money come from?E) From where does come money?
9. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) How old are you today?B) How old you are today?C) Old how are you today?D) Today how are you old?E) You are old how today?
10. The correct word order in the imperative sentence:A) The door not do forget to lock!B) Not do forget to lock the door!C) Do not forget to lock the door!D) To the door do not forget lock!E) Forget do not to lock the door!
11. The correct word order in the affirmative sentence:A) In the kitchen there are some chairs and a table.B) There are some chairs and a table in the kitchen.C) There are in the kitchen some chairs and a table.D) There are a table and some chairs in the kitchen.E) A table and some chairs there are in the kitchen.12. В слове «magn…ficent» пропущена буква:A) y B) e C) o D) i E) a
13. Общим для данной группы слов является слово:A) Biography B) Childhood C) Relative D) Be born E) Elder 14. Satisfaction is: A) a noun B) an adverb C) a preposition D) an adjective E) a verb 15. Часть речи слова:“delicious”
A) Числительное
B) Причастие
C) Существительное
D) Наречие
E) Прилагательное

16. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова:
They are usually at home in the evening.
A) How
B) Who
C) Where
D) When
E) Why

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ayazhanapeshova 6 лет назад
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