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Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (V), if a line has a word which should not be there, write the word.


(1)___One hot day a crow wanted some water to drink. It was far from the river (2)___and the crow didn’t want to fly there at for a drink. It flew round and round (3)___but could not to see any water. At last it saw a big jug near the house. The (4)___crow flew down to the jug. It looked into it. There was a little of water in  (5)___the jug. The crow put its head into the jug but couldn’t get the water. The (6)___crow flew into the air, then it flew down on the jug. It has wanted to break (7)___it. But the jug was strong. It could not be break it. The crow could not fly (8)___any more. It sat down to rest. It thought and thought. The crow saw some (9)___small stones on the ground. It had an idea. It took a stone and had put it (10)__into the jug. Then another and another.  The water came higher and every (11)__time the stone fell into the jug. Soon the water came very high. The crow (12)__ put its head into the jug and had a drink at the last.

0.8/5 (5 оценок)
Plesen1 11 лет назад
Светило науки - 53 ответа - 1301 помощь

1 V - вообще не встречала выражения one hot day, привычнее one day, но тут по контексту вроде бы ложится

2 at - подлететь, чтобы напиться - to fly there for a drink

3 to - после can(could) частица to не употребляется: they could not see

4 of - немного воды a little water

5 the - не нужен артикль the перед water

6 has - It wanted to break. Все повествование идет в прошедшем времени, тут обычный факт из прошлого - применяем past simple, а не present perfect.

7 be - смысловой глагол тут break, be не нужен - it couldn't break it

8 V

9 had - It took a stone and put it - последовательность действий, оба идут в past simple, не нужно предшествование (тем более по логике он сначала взял камень, а потом положил его)

10 the - не нужен артикль the перед water

11 the - не нужен артикль the перед water

12 the - в конце концов - at last, между ними артикль не нужен

1/5 (3 оценки)
alexmas2007 11 лет назад
Светило науки - 68 ответов - 1012 раз оказано помощи

1. V

2. at

3. to

4. of



7. be




11. the

12 the