СРОЧНО НУЖНА ПОМОЩЬ ДАЮ 96 БАЛЛОВ ,решите тест по английскому плииис☁️​
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vladyandymokk13 3 года назад
Светило науки - 658 ответов - 2211 раз оказано помощи

I. 1. films at least once a week

2. can harm your eyesight

3. celebrating the word's unity in diversity

4. my Birthday

5. oxygen and water

II. 1. the biggest

2. more comfortable

3. as tall

4. darker

5. the nicest

III. 1. should

2. can't

3. needn't

4. may

5.  should be

6. can't

IV. 1. in

2. to, by

3. to

4. to

V. 1. went

2. follow

3. are dancing

4. plays