Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:


There are pictures on the wall. There no pictures on the wall.

1.There are pictures on the wall. 2.There is power station near our village. 3.There were books on that table. 4.There was a note for him there. 5.There were many students in the museum. 6.There is much electric light in this garage.
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darialuka2019 3 года назад
Светило науки - 409 ответов - 198 раз оказано помощи


2.There is power station near our village. There no power station near our village.

3.There were books on that table. There no books on that table.

4.There was a note for him there. There no a note for him there.

5.There were many students in the museum. There no many students in the museum.

6.There is much electric light in this garage. There no much electric light in this garage.