Passive voice

Past Simple Passive Voice

Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple Passive Voice.
1. The day before yesterday we ____________________ (invite) to the birthday party by our friends.
2. In ancient Greece the Olympic Games ____________________ (hold) once in four years.
3. I ____________________ (bear) in a small Ukrainian town not far from Donetsk.
4. The prize ____________________ (win) by Linda.
5. As I arrived at the hotel a note ____________________ (hand) to me.
6. Their engagement ____________________ (announce) in the local paper.
7. The words ‘To be or not to be’… ____________________ (speak) by Hamlet.
8. The house ____________________ (destroy) by the storm.
9. The railway line ____________________ (bury) under tons of rock and earth.
10. I ____________________ (give) a letter by a postman yesterday.
11. Several problems ____________________ (consider) by the government.
12. After the accident the railway station ____________________ (completely/destroy).
13. Both motorways ____________________ (open) last year.
14. The thunderstorm ____________________ (hear) five miles away.
15. The World Cup at football ____________________ (win) by Italy in 2006.
16. A dangerous criminal ____________________ (arrest) by the police yesterday.
17. It ____________________ (explain) to us how the accident had happened.
18. The Guinness Book of Records ____________________ (first/publish) in the 50’s.
19. The job ____________________ (offer) to Patricia.
20. I couldn’t answer the questions I ____________________ (ask) at the interview last month.
21. My suitcase ____________________ (steal) from the hotel room.
22. We ____________________ (wake) up by the barking dog last night.
23. Last night I ____________________ (stop) by the police as I was driving home.
24. Yesterday it ____________________ (decide) not to have a party after all.
25. This shopping centre ____________________ (build) 10 years ago.
26. These are very old photographs. They ____________________ (take) a long time ago.
27. The roof of the building ____________________ (damage) in a storm a few days ago.
28. You ____________________ (invite) to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?
29. Originally the book ____________________ (write) in Spanish and a few years ago it ____________________ (translate) into English.
30. We were driving along quite fast but we ____________________ (overtake) by lots of other cars.
31. The letter ____________________ (post) a week ago and it arrived yesterday.
32. The boat sank quickly but fortunately everybody ____________________ (rescue).
33. While I was on holiday, my camera ____________________ (steal) from my hotel.
34. All flights ____________________ (cancel) because of fog.
35. The police ____________________ (give) the information.
36. The men ____________________ (pay) £200 to do the work.
37. The windows ____________________ (break) with a baseball bat.
38. I ____________________ (offer) the job but I refused it.
39. The two missing children ____________________ (find) in a local park.
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nastyaesina2011 5 лет назад
Светило науки - 27 ответов - 86 раз оказано помощи

1. were invited

2. were held

3. was born

4. was won

5. was handed

6. was anounced

7. were spoken

8. was destoyed

9. was buried

10. was given

11. were considered

12. was completely destroyed

13. were opened

14. was heard

15. was won

16. was arrested

17. was explained

18. was first published

19. was offered

20. was asked

21. was stolen

22. were woken

23. was stopped

24. was decided

25. was built

26. were taken

27. was damaged

28. were invited

29. was written

30. were overtaken

31. was posted

32. were rescued

33. was stolen

34. were canceled

35. was given

36. were paid

37. were broken

38. was offered

39. were found